(206) 463-9410

Welcome to Vashon Island Golf & Country Club

About the Club
With spectacular views of Puget Sound and the Olympic and Cascade Mountains, Vashon Island Golf & Country Club showcases the best of Pacific Northwest living. Our 9-hole golf course is playable for all and challenging for the best. Our pool and racquet sport courts are covered in winter and offer year-round swimming, tennis, and pickleball. The Sandpiper Cafe serves up fresh and tasty fare, plus a full bar. Come join us!
Follow us on Instagram @VashonGolfandCountryClub
Contact Us
24615 75th Ave SW, Vashon, WA 98070, USA
(206) 463-9410
General Manager - Craig Wilcox - Ext. 2 - vgscoffice@gmail.com
PGA Professional - Craig Wilcox - Ext. 2 - vgscoffice@gmail.com
Membership/Office - Heidi Lang - Ext. 1- vgscmembership@gmail.com
Superintendent - Marcus Gautesen - Ext. 3 - vgscsport@gmail.com
Head Swim Coach - Dayna Rogers - 206-384-1859 - vgsc.swimdayna@gmail.com